HESS Advanced Solutions Presents:
HydroPlex, ChillerPlex, and BoilerPlex
As one of the nation’s largest growing concerns, Legionella has plagued buildings that use heating and cooling systems.
The Problem:
Legionella stems from cooling towers, which create ideal conditions for Legionella to breed and spread this airborne disease throughout facilities.
The Solution:
HydroPlex mechanically treats and filters the cooling towers water reservoir system without chemicals. Additions to our product line extend to Chiller and Boiler systems known as ChillerPlex and BoilerPlex
The Benefits:
- Prevent microbiological contamination including Legionella without chemicals
- Remove the safety risks of chemical storage and handling
- Prevent scale to increase operating efficiency
- Automate removal of debris from cooling tower basin
- Continuously filter cooling tower water
- Control and optimize cooling tower conductivity
- Monitor and prevent corrosion
- Reduce utility bills
Interesting Facts:
Currently the average high school, hospital, hotel or commercial office building each pour millions of gallons of water down the drain each year and all this water contains the biocides and chlorides that companies add to control scale and bacteria.
HydroPlex, BoilerPlex, and ChillerPlex has been implemented into many facilities ranging from The Cleveland Clinic, General Motors, GE, Johnson Controls, etc. Proving to be the elite safe/nonchemical way to safely treat and sustain facilities HVAC systems.
Furthermore HydroPlex is energy efficient and provides impactful cost savings replacing chemical systems. By increasing cycles of concentration, HyrdoPlex uses less water, while saving electricity. By eliminating chemicals, toxins, bacteria, the Plex system increases the life of the cooling towers as well as the well-being of the occupants inside the facility.
1) Pump: draws water from tower basin
2) Copper/Silver Ion Generator: produces benign ions of copper and silver for effective control of algae and bacteria including Legionella
3) Scale Control Unit: prevents the formation of hard water scale without the use of chemicals, salt, or electricity
4) Centrifugal Filter: returns clean water as particulates are separated and contained until purged
5) Conductivity Sensor: measures the electric potential of dissolved minerals in tower water
6) Purge Valve: maintains conductivity and purges debris
7) Purge Valve: removes debris captured by Centrifugal Filter
8) Programmable Conductivity and Purge Valve Controller: maintains tower water at optimal conductivity
9) Sweeper jets: push debris from tower basin to supply of HydroPlex for treatment and removal
Interesting Facts:
Currently the average high school, hospital, hotel or commercial office building each pour millions of gallons of water down the drain each year and all this water contains the biocides and chlorides that companies add to control scale and bacteria.
HydroPlex, BoilerPlex, and ChillerPlex has been implemented into many facilities ranging from The Cleveland Clinic, General Motors, GE, Johnson Controls, etc. Proving to be the elite safe/nonchemical way to safely treat and sustain facilities HVAC systems.
Furthermore HydroPlex is energy efficient and provides impactful cost savings replacing chemical systems. By increasing cycles of concentration, HyrdoPlex uses less water, while saving electricity. By eliminating chemicals, toxins, bacteria, the Plex system increases the life of the cooling towers as well as the well-being of the occupants inside the facility.